Equip fixes and more

What's happened since my last post? These things:

  • I've got a version of the service pinned to code jam hosted on GCP. Go on and ssh -p 2222 and enjoy. Once the rating period is over I'll be deploying dailies there instead.
  • The macOS version of the server now has a (very basic) UI so you don't need to run via the terminal. Once I figure out cross-compilation I'll do the same for the Windows version.
  • Picking up weapons/equippable items puts them in your inventory instead of auto-equipping them.
  • You're now assigned a set of slots when you create your character. These slots can hold various types of armor/weaponry. Only weaponry naturally occurs and only 3 of the 9 types of weapon spawn, but this means the character class system based on strengths is getting fleshed out.
  • To equip an item, you go into the inventory view, use [ and ] to select the item, and then press the corresponding key on your equipment pane to equip. The only way to unequip now is to equip a different weapon, which will move the old item back into your inventory.

I want to:

  • Add more interesting terrain generation with corresponding enemies and drops
  • Armor doesn't do anything now. This is a moot point since there are no armor drops, but I need to add that into combat mechanics.
  • Combat implementation lives interwoven in BoltDB implementation. This needs to be factored out.


mud-2018-05-18-darwin-amd64.tgz 2 MB
May 18, 2018
mud-2018-05-18-linux-amd64.tgz 2 MB
May 18, 2018
mud-2018-05-18-windows-amd64.zip 2 MB
May 18, 2018

Get MUD in Golang

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